Monday, January 29, 2007

Seventy-eight, 79, Eighty, Eighty-one, Eighty-two

Nothing to report except that I'm unusually emotional. I watched Extreme Home Makeover the other night and was basically a wreck. All I needed was that commercial with the kid talking to his grandpa on the phone ("Grandpa, I'm not in Paris... I'm in Dieppe") and it would have been the end of me.

The other symptoms are still going strong, but nothing worth worrying about. I plan on sticking at 5mg for this week and the next 2 after that, then nothing. I'm looking forward to it.

On a side note, here are a few things I think my wife has an unhealthy obsession for:
  1. Shoes
  2. Children's Clothes
  3. Broth (both chicken and beef)

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