Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Fourty-four to Fifty-six (including 47 and 53)

It's been a while, so let's recap:

Holidays went well even though Alex didn't sleep through the night once.
Christmas was entirely too excessive.
The detox is going just fine.

I did have one night over the holidays that I can only describe as "a moment of heightened anxiety". I awoke from a pretty good sleep to a screaming baby and after getting him settled I couldn't get back to sleep. Had I been drinking or more tired it most certainly would have resulted in a full-blown panic attack but as it was I was just uncomfortable and, for lack of a better word, uncertain. It lasted about 10 minutes and then I fell asleep.

Aside from that the only side effect I seem to be experiencing is a considerably short fuse. I've never been the most patient man in the world (thanks for that lovely genetic gift dad!) but I am surprised at how easily I get frustrated now. Apparently I'm supposed to breathe.

I'm dropping down to 5mg this weekend - probably Friday morning.

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