Wednesday, November 15, 2006


No pill today.

Alex was up at midnight and again from 4:30 to 6:30. I'm actaully too out of it to feel anything...

No dizziness today, but I did struggle with a pretty nice headache.

Now someone on a Paxil message board says they've tried this method of getting off the drug and it didn't work for him. Said it was too traumatic as it essentially forced your brain into and out of withdrawl (as you started and stopped the drug).

One thing I have seen written many times though is, "As everyone's reaction to the drug is different, so to is their reaction to coming off it". Based on this and the following two reasons I'm content to stick with this method:

1) It's the one my physician recommended
2) If I were to have chosen a method, this is the one I would have come up with

If it's not working I'll know soon enough, and I can always switch to a dose-varied method as opposed to a time-varied one.

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