Tuesday, November 21, 2006


Another day at 15mg. Honestly, over the past few days I have felt better than I have in a long long time.

Nothing to report today other than I've been really thirsty lately. I've been trying to combat that by drinking lots of fruit juice, which I love, but my wife informs me that even tough the sugar in those juices is natural sugar, it's still quite high; so maybe water is the better option. She drinks like 3 or 4 litres of water a day so she would know. I'm trying to get in 2L but it's hard 'cause it just makes me want to piss all the time.

I was at a seminar last week and the dude mentioned that it takes 21 days to form a habit - or to break one. So, sounds like my 3-week plan to drop the dose is right on target :)

Thirteen is my favourite number.

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