... so here we are.
Seven years ago or thereabouts I was placed on 10mg a day of Paxil a day to combat anxiety. Roughly three and a half years ago, after a particularly horrifying and temporarily debilitating panic attack, my dose was upped to 20mg a day and that's where I've been ever since.
Until today.
I have just recently met with a clinical psychologist and a new physician and it has been determined that it is time for me to experience my life as the world presents it to me. No chemical rose coloured glasses.
Now, if you click the links over to the right you'll find two very good websites devoted to assisting people with their struggles of getting off Paxil. As either of these sites will tell you, and as one quick Google search will show, ridding the body of any trace of Paxil is easier said than done. Both my physician and therapist agree that there's no reason to assume that my journey to a drug-free existance won't go smoothly, but at the same time those two doctors - as well as many others - have laid it out quite clearly: Paxil is one of the hardest SSRI drugs to get people off of and sometimes the experience can amount to hell on Earth; or worse.
So I have to hope for the best and plan for the worst. I'm told that most certainly I will experience insomnia, headaches, nausea, irratability, lack of concentration and short term memory problems. On the upside, when I do sleep I'm also told that I will have the most vivid dreams, so I have that going for me.
In all seriousness, I'm taking it one day at a time. My wife is here to support me, as is my boss, some of my friends, my cellmates in the "QA Grotto", and the company HR director. They will all have access to this blog and I hope they will be reading it often. I may not always want to talk or express what's going on but I am told that I must chronicle this experience and therefore every day (sometimes more) I will post something just so people can check in without actually having to check in.
I'm nervous.
The plan is simple:
Today I took one pill, tomorrow I will take none. The next day I will take one, and the day after that I will not. For one week I will keep skipping a day and then after that I will take a pill one day and then skip two. I repeat this week after week, each time adding a day to the skipped column. After 7 weeks I'll only be taking the pill once every 7 days - and then I stop. And wait.
I've missed days before. Since Paxil has a short half-life the effects of missing a day are almost immediately felt. If I miss a day I'm almost guaranteed to wake up that night every couple hours with cold sweats. Headaches follow that. Too long into the 2nd day without one and I've been hit with a migrane, but I've never gone more than 36 hours without. Weeks 2 and 3 on the schedule are looking quite unappealing right now but let's not get ahead of myself. One day at a time.
One day at a time.